Oct 31, 2011

Ever Faithful

Yesterday during our worship service we sang “Never Let Go.”  Here are a few of the chorus lyrics in case you are not sure what I am talking about…

“Ever faithful, Ever true, You I know You never let go, 
You never let go, You never let go, You never let go”

We have sung this song a few times before but this time was different.  You see during the weekend a brother in Christ lost his battle with cancer but won the victory over death as he entered through the pearly gates of heaven.  While we were singing the Lord was speaking to my heart.  In times of great strife, storms, illness, and the death of loved ones we often times question where is God?  Why has He left us?  Why has He allowed this to happen?  Sometimes it’s hard to remember that He is right there with us during those tough times.
   You see God NEVER lets us go.  Once we accept Him as our Savior He grabs a hold of us and refuses to let go.  What the Lord was showing me yesterday is that it is during those times of storms that He holds on to us even tighter. When we are questioning where He is, He is there holding onto us with all of his might.  In the case of this dear brother in Christ, the Lord showed me that God was there with him, holding on so tight that when the pain he was in was too much to bare Jesus said, “That’s enough, it’s time to come home,”  removing him from the pain and the disease, holding him tightly, never letting him go. 
  If you are hurting today, struggling with “where are you God” in the midst of your storm know this…
God is there! He hasn’t let your side! He will NEVER let you go, in fact in the midst of your storm He is there holding you tighter than ever before!  God’s word promises us, “For the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." Deut 31:6b

In His Grip,

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