Aug 25, 2018

Tough week. I had to let go of my dog. Oddie was the most loving boy ever! He started biting and attacking our other animals. he was 8 and we believe he had doggie dementia. It's been a week and I miss him terribly. So very much.
I normally would go to food for comfort. I tried this week and have been sick every day. Chips, breaded chicken patty and ice cream have made me super sick! I know, I know running to food isn't the answer. I'm trying to face the pain but it hurt so deeply. Oddie was more than a dog, he was my therpy boy. He helped me during a hard time and was always there wanting my love, affection and he would lick my tears away. I miss him so much!

Aug 16, 2018

For over 35+ years this thing did make me cry. It never motivated me to do something about my weight or health. I'd start to lose and then stop. Fear and the what ifs always stopped me from staying focused. I can't explain why it scared me to lose weight, maybe it was a self identity issue well that and some other emotional baggage. Now this thing makes me smile! It still is a struggle when it says I'm up or down a few pounds, it aggravates me to no end cause I'm not able to finish any meal. But over all I am very happy I finally decided to do something to help me. Drastic, maybe, but it is literally saving my life. I'm 9 weeks out and down 31 lbs. I have another 80-85 lbs to reach my goal weight. I am focusing on 15-20 lb increments, taking small steps helps keep me focused at hand. I could have ever done this with out my loving husband Sean's support, my kids, family and closest dearest friends.