Dec 6, 2011

Charlie in the Box

 "Halt who goes there?!"  said Charlie in the Box.    The conversation below is from none other than "Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer". 

Charlie-In-The-Box: I am the official sentry of the Isle of Misfit Toys.
Hermey: A jack-in-the-box for a sentry?
Charlie-In-The-Box: Yes. My name is...
Rudolph: Don't tell me: Jack.
Charlie-In-The-Box: No, Charlie. That's why I'm a misfit toy. My name is all wrong. No child wants to play with a Charlie-In-The-Box, so I had to come here.

Have you ever felt like a "Charlie in the Box"?  Feel like you don't fit in or belong.  Boy I sure have, more than once.  In fact sorta feeling like that right now in a few places in my life.  Just don't fit in, seem to be on the outside looking in.   Well Jesus was a "Charlie in the Box!"  He didn't fit in with what society expected of him.  He was an outcast and yet EVERYONE wanted to be friends with him.  They would journey hundreds of miles just to get a glimpse of him, crawl on their news just to touch the hem of his garment!  God uses the rich and poor, the beautiful and the ugly, the popular and the unpopular.  You may feel like a "Charlie" but know this...GOD HAS A PLAN FOR YOU!!!!  And it will be fulfilled if you truly seek after HIM!!!

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