Jul 23, 2009

Stagnant Pools

A week ago I was sharing with a friend that sometimes people get stuck in stagnant pools and forget that all they have to do is walk into the river to be refreshed. Well that has stuck with me and I haven’t been able to shake it. So I have been doing some research on stagnant pools and stagnant water.
Water stagnation occurs when water stops flowing or is trapped in an area where nothing can move. Stagnant water can be a major environmental hazard, generally it breeds bacteria and gets a foul smell. I am quite sure many people have experienced the nasty smell of stagnate water. In some cases its enough to make a person lose their lunch so to speak.
So what does this have to do with our walk with God. A LOT! First and foremost scripture tells us repeatedly that He is ALIVE! Jesus even calls himself the living bread, living water (John 4:14). God is a living moving God. He NEVER changes but is always moving. He doesn’t want us to get stale. He doesn’t want us to dry up or become stagnate. When we get stuck in a rut so to speak we because like a pool of stagnant water. We begin to stink, our attitudes stink, our thoughts stinks and we begin to believe the lies satan feeds us, such as you too old to be used by God, you’re not a preacher, you’re not smart enough or rich enough or talented enough. God can and will use any person that is willing to be used!

God is a living moving being. Jesus tell us in John 7:38 - “Have faith in Me, and you will have life-giving water flowing from deep inside you, just as the Scriptures say.”

Life-giving water flowing…no where in these words does it say dryness or stagnant water. Jesus says having faith in Him gives us life giving water flowing deep inside us. Often times we forget who it is that give us the abilities to do what He has call us to do for Him. If we hold fast to this promise then all we set our hands to will have life as long as it’s for His glory and not our own.
Why not jump in the river! A flowing living river and we start by confessing our sins and our faith in Him to forgive us. Are you stuck in a stagnant pool…come to the river and wash your self in God’s love and forgiveness. Letting go of all the yuck and stink that has caused you to be sick spiritually. Maybe you already have a relationship with Him but are still stuck. Sometimes the stagnation in our lives is caused from stinking thinking. Throw down those thoughts of unworthiness and grab hold of the promises of God’s word. He can and will use you if you are truly willing to be used by him. Sometimes that means throwing down our pride and sometimes that means throwing down our own wants and desires and relying on His plan and not our own.
Get in the river and let Him use you!!

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