Sep 17, 2010


~ The Bible describes it very well in these scriptures ~
"Keep looking straight ahead, without turning aside. Know where you are headed, and you will stay on solid ground. Don't make a mistake by turning to the right or the left." Proverbs 4:25-27
Something my dear friend Michele has done for me the last month and a half has repeatedly sent me a Facebook message of FOCUS! Just to remind me! Many times I needed that word because I wasn't focused and I wasn't looking at Jesus! i was too caught up in the worries of tomorrow, the what if this doesn't happen or does. The Bible tells us to :not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow has enough worries of their own." We took a GIANT leap of fact I have told many it has felt like we are jumping off the top of Mt Everest without a safety net but once again my friend reminded me, "God will never leave you or forsake you." He will be there to catch you and instead of letting you splatter on the ground He will help you to soar! It hasn't been easy to keep that focus through this walk of mighty faith we have taken but I gotta tell ya to see how things are unfolding and how His hand has been on every step is exciting! Thank you lord for just being YOU!

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